Women’s Human Rights Project and Women’s Welfare Project

Women’s Human Rights Project

Peace Without Force

The Department of Peace’s activities support the Pacifism of the Constitution, respect of basic human rights, and popular sovereignty based on Christianity.

The greatest contribution to the world is to make the best use of the Pacifism Constitution in this century. As we appeal to public opinion about the fact that “Military force cannot create peace,” we continue to work towards a 21st century that is peaceful, multicultural, and symbiotic.

Themes: Energy Problems, Japanese Constitution, Peace Without Force, Death Penalty, Palestine Problems, Foreigners in Japan

For Sexuality & Human Rights

Sexuality is a precious gift with which every human being is endowed with.
To live this sexuality with dignity in freedom and equality constitutes the very basis of human rights.
To make this conviction of ours a live reality, we continue to tackle in a concrete way the issues such as sexual discrimination, sexual violence and sexual exploitation etc. in various forms of activities: lobbying on many different governmental levels, educational activities and operating the welfare facilities‐HELP (House in Emergency of Love and Peace) and Kyofukai Step House.

Wartime Sexual Violence Issues, Violence Against Women and Children (sexual violence, commercial sexual exploitation of children, prostitution, domestic violence etc.), Civil Law (legal discrimination against the children of unmarried couples, choice for separate surnames for married couple), Gender and Sexuality, Women-related Social Welfare and Law, Women and Biblical Understanding.

We listen to the voices of those troubled by addictions, and connect them to the support they need.

During our educational activities, we promote proper awareness about addiction (abnormal dependency on alcohol, drugs, etc.) and provide information about support facilities.
We also cover the problems relating to the negative effects of addiction on a family, such as child abuse and eating disorders etc., depending on the counseling contents.

Women’s Welfare Project

House in Emergency of Love and Peace

HELP (House in Emergency of Love and Peace) was established in 1986 on the 100th anniversary of Kyofukai. HELP is an emergency shelter that accepts women and children regardless of race or nationality. Bringing children is permitted (boys aged 10 or younger.). People who stay with HELP are mainly violence fugitives or forced prostitutions, as well as those who lost their houses. To solve the problems that oppose women’s human rights and independence, HELP also provides telephone consultation. HELP received the “Asahi Shimbun Social Welfare Award” in 2002.
Click here for details.

Kyofukai Step House

We are supporting women who strive to move forward in their new lives. Kyofukai Step House is a shelter that provides a place of relief for women who suffer from domestic violence. While they are staying at Step House, they can sort out their memories and emotions, recover their body, prepare for their lives in the future with confidence, and search for new jobs.
Click here for details.